Gustav Adolf Eriksen

Navn Gustav Adolf Eriksen Født 22 jan. 1886 Vejle, Vejle, Denmark Køn Mand Konfirmation 15 okt. 1899 Vejle, Vejle, Denmark Methodistkirken Død 6 jan. 1977 Bedford, Tarrant, Texas, USA Begravet Graham, Young, Texas, USA - Pioneer Cemetery
Person-ID I41370 Bjarklev Sidst ændret 25 feb. 2022
Far Skomagermester Frederik Gustav Adolf Eriksen, f. 1860 Tilknytning natural Mor Karen Marie Eriksen, f. 15 feb. 1854, Højen, Vejle, Denmark , d. 2 nov. 1922 (Alder 68 år)
Tilknytning natural Familie-ID F15221 Gruppeskema | Familietavle
Familie Ida Christine Andersen, f. 3 sep. 1886, d. 1 nov. 1985, Graham, Young, Texas, USA (Alder 99 år)
Børn 1. Ruth Eriksen, f. 30 okt. 1918, Norfolk, Norfolk, Virginia, USA , d. 15 dec. 2011, Graham, Young, Texas, USA
(Alder 93 år) [natural]
2. Stuart Franklin Eriksen, f. 17 jan. 1927, St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USA , d. 25 feb. 2012, Bedford, Tarrant, Texas, USA
(Alder 85 år) [natural]
3. Gordon Eriksen, f. 22 dec. 1922, St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota, USA , d. 2 dec. 2019, Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
(Alder 96 år) [natural]
Sidst ændret 25 feb. 2022 Familie-ID F15222 Gruppeskema | Familietavle
Billeder Gustav Adolf Eriksen
Notater - In 1910, together, they planned to come to America to be married and establish their first home. They came to Danish relatives at Anoka, Minnesota in late July and were married 20 August 1910 in St. Paul, Minnesota where they lived under Gustav Adolf Eriksen enlisted in the Construction Quartermaster Corps of the US during World War I. Due to his mother's illness, he was called back to Denmark in 1919. He and his wife returned to Minnesota in April 1922. In 1934, the family moved to Jack County where Mr. Eriksen was engaged in the oil business. The family moved to Graham on 12 August 1937 where they lived until Mr. Eriksen returned to the Construction Corps at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in 1940. In 1945, they were transferred to Camden, Arkansas living there until returning to Graham in 1950. The couple moved to Bedford in 1975.
Gustav Adolf Eriksen was confirmed in the Methodist Church in 1892. He became a member of St Paul's Methodist Church in Vejle, Denmark in 1900.
Survived by his wife; two sons - Gordon Eriksen and Stuart Eriksen; one daughter - Mrs. Loren Maples; three granddaughters; one grandson; one sister - Anna Ericksen de Hass of Copenhagen, Denmark; nieces and nephews in Denmark.
The Graham Leader
January 9, 1977
Contributed by Dorman Holub
- In 1910, together, they planned to come to America to be married and establish their first home. They came to Danish relatives at Anoka, Minnesota in late July and were married 20 August 1910 in St. Paul, Minnesota where they lived under Gustav Adolf Eriksen enlisted in the Construction Quartermaster Corps of the US during World War I. Due to his mother's illness, he was called back to Denmark in 1919. He and his wife returned to Minnesota in April 1922. In 1934, the family moved to Jack County where Mr. Eriksen was engaged in the oil business. The family moved to Graham on 12 August 1937 where they lived until Mr. Eriksen returned to the Construction Corps at Fort Sill, Oklahoma in 1940. In 1945, they were transferred to Camden, Arkansas living there until returning to Graham in 1950. The couple moved to Bedford in 1975.