Musiker Christian Laurentzius Kellerman
1815 - 1866 (51 år)-
Navn Christian Laurentzius Kellerman Titel Musiker Født 27 jan. 1815 Randers, Arhus, Denmark Køn Mand Beskæftigelse Cellist Død 3 dec. 1866 København, Kobenhavn, Denmark Person-ID I30002 Bjarklev Sidst ændret 25 feb. 2022
Familie Caroline Wilhelmine Fjelsted, f. 26 feb. 1821, København, Kobenhavn, Denmark , d. 20 maj 1881, Frederiksberg, Frederiksberg, Denmark (Alder 60 år) Gift 26 sep. 1849 Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway - Vor Frue Kirke
Børn 1. Martha Cornelia Kellermann [natural] Sidst ændret 25 feb. 2022 Familie-ID F10843 Gruppeskema | Familietavle
Notater - (Research):CHRISTIAN KELLERMAN. He is a native of Randers, in Jutland, and was born on January 27, 1815,. It was his father's wish that he should devote himself to commerce, but in this be was disappointed. Young Kellerman had inclinations for Art and, in order to gratify them, be went, in his fifteenth year, to Merk, in Vienna, whose pupil he was from 1880-1835. After having finished his studies be was heard with success in Vienna and visited with good result the other large cities of Austria and Hungary. In the year 1837 he gave concerts at St. Petersburg. Further tours increased his reputation and, after his return, he was summoned to be first Violoncellist in the Royal Danish orchestra. During the year 1861 he made a journey which led him into Upper Italy and then to Germany, where he remained until 1864. In Mayence he was, unfortunately, stricken with paralysis. He was, indeed, able to return again in a helpless condition to Copenhagen, but he died there two years after, on December 3, 1866. Kellerman composed a few things for his instrument, but nothing of much importance. His Successor was F. RAUCH, whose pupil, RUDINGER, filled the place of first Violoncellist in the Copenhagen Band.
København, Frimands Kvarter, Lille Helliggeiststræde 133, 2den sal, 823, FT-1850, C1436
Christian Kellermann 34 Gift kgl. kammermusicus Randers
Caroline Kellermann født Fjeldsted 26 Gift kgl. solodanserinde Kjøbenhavn
Caroline Peders Datter 24 Ugift tjenestepige Kunby
- (Research):CHRISTIAN KELLERMAN. He is a native of Randers, in Jutland, and was born on January 27, 1815,. It was his father's wish that he should devote himself to commerce, but in this be was disappointed. Young Kellerman had inclinations for Art and, in order to gratify them, be went, in his fifteenth year, to Merk, in Vienna, whose pupil he was from 1880-1835. After having finished his studies be was heard with success in Vienna and visited with good result the other large cities of Austria and Hungary. In the year 1837 he gave concerts at St. Petersburg. Further tours increased his reputation and, after his return, he was summoned to be first Violoncellist in the Royal Danish orchestra. During the year 1861 he made a journey which led him into Upper Italy and then to Germany, where he remained until 1864. In Mayence he was, unfortunately, stricken with paralysis. He was, indeed, able to return again in a helpless condition to Copenhagen, but he died there two years after, on December 3, 1866. Kellerman composed a few things for his instrument, but nothing of much importance. His Successor was F. RAUCH, whose pupil, RUDINGER, filled the place of first Violoncellist in the Copenhagen Band.